Customizing the List of Acronyms title

Read how to customize the List of Acronyms title (header), including putting it in an unnumbered section.

Using an unnumbered section

By default, the List Of Acronyms (loa) is generated with its own header; depending on your document configuration, this header may be numbered.

To obtain an unnumbered section, you may add the extra class unnumbered (as per the standard Pandoc and Quarto way to create an unnumbered section) by using the loa_header_classes metadata option.

For example:

    number-sections: true
    - unnumbered
    - shortname: qmd
      longname: Quarto document

# Introduction

Using an acronym: \acr{qmd}

This will generate a PDF with sections List of Acronyms (unnumbered), and 1. Introduction (numbered). Note that the List of Acronyms is, by default, generated at the beginning of the document, but you may customize it to put at the end, or even at your desired location, by using the options.

Manually customizing the title

You may also want to fully customize the header of the List of Acronyms; this can be done by disabling the automatic generation, and then writing your own header, for which you can leverage all Pandoc and Quarto features.

To do so, simply set the insert_loa option to false to disable the automatic generation of the List of Acronyms, and set loa_title to '' (the empty string) to disable the generation of the header. You may then write exactly what you want as a header, and use \printacronyms to generate the List of Acronyms after your header.

For example, to use a level-2 header (subsection):

  insert_loa: false
  loa_title: ''
    - shortname: qmd
      longname: Quarto document

# Introduction

Using an acronym: \acr{qmd}

## List of Acronyms in a subsection


# Another section

At the end of the document