acronymsdown / acronyms

Using the acronymsdown library and its result

acronyms is the newest version of this library, made specifically for Quarto documents.

It works similarly to acronymsdown, which was designed as a Pandoc filter shipped in an R package for [R Markdown documents]. In the future, acronyms will have more features than acronymsdown.

Rmd and Quarto documents bring a simplified syntax over existing languages, such as LaTeX or HTML; however, no easy and integrated support for acronyms was available, as opposed to LaTeX’s glossaries package for example.

The typical workflow to use acronyms in a Rmd or Quarto document, without acronyms, would be to write in plain text the full name and its acronym, such as R Markdown (Rmd), the first time the acronym is used, then only the acronym on subsequent uses, such as Rmd. This involves remembering whether the acronym already appeared; if the first occurrence is changed or moved, the document might not be correct anymore.

Instead, acronyms automates the use of acronyms, by first declaring them, and then using a special syntax throughout the document. The underlying filter will automatically replace each occurrence by the correct text, depending on whether it corresponds to the first use.

Using an acronym is as simple as writing:

\acr{Rmd} documents are great!
\acr{Rmd} relies on Pandoc internally.

Each occurrence of \acr{KEY} will be replaced, according to a user-configurable style, such as R Markdown (Rmd) or Rmd (R Markdown). In addition, a List of Acronym can be automatically generated, based on all defined acronyms.

See the GitHub page, the documentation for more details, or start using acronyms in your Quarto documents right away:

quarto add rchaput/acronyms@master
  - acronyms
    - shortname: Rmd
      longname: R Markdown