
Remy Chaput



French: Native

English: Technical

Research Interests

Machine Ethics

Human-Centered AI

Explainable AI

Neural-Symbolic (Hybrid) AI

Reinforcement Learning (Multi-Agent, Multi-Objective)

Multi-Agent Systems

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Dr. Remy Chaput

Ph.D. in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)



Multi-objective reinforcement learning: an ethical perspective

International Workshop MODeM, ECAI'24

Timon Deschamps, Rémy Chaput, Laëtitia Matignon. Multi-objective reinforcement learning: an ethical perspective. Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop, ECAI, Oct 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. HAL : hal-04711682


Multi-objective reinforcement learning: an ethical perspective

National Conference RJCIA'24

Timon Deschamps, Rémy Chaput, Laetitia Matignon. Multi-objective reinforcement learning: an ethical perspective. RJCIA, Jul 2024, La Rochelle, France. HAL : hal-04711663


Adaptive reinforcement learning of multi-agent ethically-aligned behaviours: the QSOM and QDSOM algorithms

Technical Report ArXiv

Rémy Chaput, Olivier Boissier, Mathieu Guillermin. Adaptive reinforcement learning of multi-agent ethically-aligned behaviours: the QSOM and QDSOM algorithms. 2023. HAL : hal-04379426


Learning to identify and settle dilemmas through contextual user preferences

International Conference ICTAI'23

Rémy Chaput, Laëtitia Matignon, Mathieu Guillermin. Learning to identify and settle dilemmas through contextual user preferences. IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Nov 2023, Atlanta, United States. DOI : 10.1109/ICTAI59109.2023.00075. HAL : hal-04349804.


Ethical Smart Grid: a Gym environment for learning ethical behaviours

Journal Article JOSS

Clément Scheirlinck, Rémy Chaput, Salima Hassas. Ethical Smart Grid: a Gym environment for learning ethical behaviours. Journal of Open Source Software, 2023, 8 (88), pp.5410. DOI : 10.21105/joss.05410. HAL : hal-04187666.


Apprentissage de comportements éthiques multi-valeurs par combinaison d’agents juges symboliques et d’agents apprenants

Journal Article ROIA

Rémy Chaput, Jérémy Duval, Olivier Boissier, Mathieu Guillermin, Salima Hassas. Apprentissage de comportements éthiques multi-valeurs par combinaison d’agents juges symboliques et d’agents apprenants. Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2023, 4 (2), pp.41-66. DOI : 10.5802/roia.56. HAL : hal-04161020.


AJAR: An Argumentation-based Judging Agents Framework for Ethical Reinforcement Learning

International Conference AAMAS'23

Benoît Alcaraz, Olivier Boissier, Rémy Chaput, Christopher Leturc. AJAR: An Argumentation-based Judging Agents Framework for Ethical Reinforcement Learning. AAMAS '23: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May 2023, London, United Kingdom. DOI : 10.5555/3545946.3598956. HAL : hal-04127943.


Artificial Moral Advisors: enhancing human ethical decision-making

International Conference ETHICS'23

Marco Tassella, Rémy Chaput, Mathieu Guillermin. Artificial Moral Advisors: enhancing human ethical decision-making. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), IEEE, May 2023, West Lafayette, United States. pp.1-5, DOI : 10.1109/ETHICS57328.2023.10155026. HAL : hal-04127849.


A Multi-Agent Approach to Combine Reasoning and Learning for an Ethical Behavior

International Conference AIES'21

Rémy Chaput, Jérémy Duval, Olivier Boissier, Mathieu Guillermin & Salima Hassas (2021). « A Multi-Agent Approach to Combine Reasoning and Learning for an Ethical Behavior ». AIES '21: AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 21 mai 2021, Virtual Event USA (États-Unis), pp. 13-23. doi : 10.1145/3461702.3462515. HAL : emse-03318195.


Approche multi-agent combinant raisonnement et apprentissage pour un comportement éthique

National Conference JFSMA'21

Rémy Chaput, Jérémy Duval, Olivier Boissier, Mathieu Guillermin & Salima Hassas (2021). « Approche multi-agent combinant raisonnement et apprentissage pour un comportement éthique ». Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, 30 juin 2021, Bordeaux (France). HAL : emse-03278353.


Explanation for Humans, for Machines, for Human-Machine Interactions?

Workshop Explainable Agency in AI, AAAI'21

Rémy Chaput, Amélie Cordier, Alain Mille. Explanation for Humans, for Machines, for Human-Machine Interactions?. AAAI-2021, Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence WS, AAAI, Feb 2021, Virtual Conference, United States. HAL : hal-03106286.


Une perspective historique sur l'IA explicable

Technical Report

Alain Mille, Rémy Chaput, Amélie Cordier. Une perspective historique sur l'IA explicable Document préparatoire à un tutorial AFIA juillet 2020. [Rapport de recherche] LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/Université Lumière Lyon 2/École Centrale de Lyon. 2020. HAL : hal-03352469


Apprentissage adaptatif de comportements éthiques

National Conference JFSMA'20

Rémy Chaput, Olivier Boissier, Mathieu Guillermin, Salima Hassas. Apprentissage adaptatif de comportements éthiques. 28e Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA'2020), Jun 2020, Angers, France. HAL : hal-03012127.


AI and Deep Learning


CPE Lyon


  • Lectures (CM, 8h) + Practical works (TP, 12h)
  • Co-responsible for this module
  • Level 3rd year of engineering cycle (Bac+5)
  • Introduction to AI, Machine Learning, well-known algorithms and techniques

Ethics of engineer


Mines Saint-Étienne


  • Visiting Lecturer (CM, 3h)
  • A 3-hour course I gave to engineers about the ethics of AI
  • Level 1st year of engineering cycle
  • Introduction to AI, societal impact of AI, discussion about ethical issues

Intelligent Agents


University Claude Bernard Lyon 1


  • Teaching Assistant (practical works - TP, 9h) in 2023
  • Level Master 2, specialty Artificial Intelligence

Bases of Artificial Intelligence


University Claude Bernard Lyon 1

2022 - 2019

  • Teaching Assistant (practical works - TP since 2019, 52h; tutorials - TD since 2020, 15h)
  • Level Master 1
  • Problem modelling; Constraint solving

Algorithmic and Object-Oriented Programming


University Claude Bernard Lyon 1

2023 - 2019

  • Teaching Assistant (practical works - TP, 76h ; tutorials - TD, 42h)
  • Organized projects, wrote examination papers
  • Level Bachelor 3
  • UML, Object-Oriented Programming, Java language

Bio-inspired Intelligence


University Claude Bernard Lyon 1


  • Teaching Assistant (practical works and projects - TP, 6h)
  • Supervised projects on genetic algorithms
  • Level Master 2
  • Python language

Article peer-review



Peer-reviewed 1 article for the IROS'2024 conference

Domains: Reinforcement Learning, Robotics, Multi-Agent Systems



Peer-reviewed 1 article for the AAMAS'2023 conference as a sub-reviewer

Domains: AI, Multi-Agent Systems



Peer-reviewed 2 articles for the EXTRAAMAS'23 workshop

Domain: AI and Explainability


Digital Society

Peer-reviewed 1 article for a special edition of the Digital Society journal

Machine Ethics, AI and Society



Peer-reviewed 2 articles for the EXTRAAMAS'22 workshop

Domain: AI and Explainability

Research Projects


Project funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-22-CE23-0028)


2024 - 2023

  • Multidisciplinary and multi-university consortium.
  • Communication of the project to national and international seminaries.
  • Mentoring 1x Master intern and 1x Ph.D student.


Regional project, funded by Pack Ambition Recherche (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)


2022 - 2019

  • Multidisciplinary and multi-university consortium.
  • Participation in and organization of meetings.
  • Drafting minutes, writing reports.
  • (Co-)Supervision of interns: 5x Master 2nd year, 1x Master 1st year.

Professional Experience

Associate Professor

CPE Lyon

Lyon, France

Now - 2024

Teacher at the CPE engineering school. Responsibilities include:

  • Organizing courses, handling external teachers.
  • Preparing courses’ syllabus.
  • Preparing and supervising lectures, practical works (mainly in 4Y and 5Y courses).
  • Research on AI and Ethics-related subjects.

Post-doctorate researcher


Lyon, France

2024 - 2023

Member of the ACCELER-AI ANR project. Responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing state of the art in Multi-Agent and Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning.
  • Publishing scientific articles; communicating in conferences.
  • Designing and running experiments.
  • Mentoring a Ph.D. student.
  • Teaching at Bachelor and Master level.

Python3 Reinforcement Learning Ethical Artificial Intelligence Multi-Agent System

Research engineer


Lyon, France


Research engineer in the Ethics.AI project. Responsibilities include:

Python3 Reinforcement Learning Ethical Artificial Intelligence Multi-Agent System

Ph.D. student


Lyon, France

2022 - 2019

Ph.D. student in the Ethics.AI project. Responsibilities include:

  • Organizing project meetings; preparing the agenda, taking the minutes.
  • Reviewing the state of the art on Machine Ethics; positioning our approach.
  • Developing the use-case and implementation of our approach.
  • Publishing scientific articles; communicating in conferences and seminaries.
  • Mentoring 5x research interns (Master 2) and 1x project (Master 1).
  • Teaching courses at the University, at Bachelor and Master level.

Python3 Reinforcement Learning Machine Ethics Multi-Agent System Neural-Symbolic Learning Explainable AI

Research internship


Lyon, France


Research internship in a lab. Responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing state of the art; proposing solutions.
  • Implementing proof-of-concepts learning algorithms.

Python3 Reinforcement Learning Machine Ethics Multi-Agent System

Research project


Lyon, France


6-months research project as part of the curriculum (Master’s orientation project - POM). Title: Multi-label categorization for large web-based raw biography texts, under the supervision of Dr. Frédéric Armetta and Dr. Marc Bertin. Responsibilities include:

  • Improving an existing algorithm for multi-label classification of documents.
  • Running experiments to validate the algorithm performances, and compare to baselines.
  • Reviewing the SOTA and writing a scientific article.

Natural Language Processing Memory Networks Deep Learning Multi-label classification Imbalanced datasets


Doctorate in Computer Science

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, LIRIS

Lyon, France

2022 - 2019

Thesis subject: Learning behaviours aligned with moral values in a multi-agent system: guiding reinforcement learning with symbolic judgments

Jury members:

  • Parisa Ghodous (President)
  • Grégory Bonnet (Reviewer)
  • Marija Slavkovik (Reviewer)
  • Alain Dutech (Examiner)
  • Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (Examiner)
  • Salima Hassas (Supervisor)
  • Olivier Boissier (Co-supervisor)
  • Mathieu Guillermin (Co-supervisor)

Master in Computer Science, specialty Artificial Intelligence

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Lyon, France

2019 - 2017

Bachelor in Computer Science

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Lyon, France

2017 - 2014